Sunday, December 27, 2009

Khao (Rasa) Restaurant - Recommended if you are planning on raising a family there

My house is in Rajaginagar, and our place has very few options when it comes to good non-vegetarian restaurants with good ambiance. Hence, we decided to head to Rasa in Malleswaram, which has three restaurants, Hejje (malnad style), Shish (open air) and Khao (Chinese). I have previously been Hejje and Shish several times (I am impressed with both restaurants), hence, decided to try out Khao.

Let me give you a crisp review on Khao:

Taste: The starters were quiet good, however, “clay pot fried rice” was a disappointment, it was normal fried rice which they decided to call clay pot fried rice. Overall, the food here is above average, but nothing to write home about.

Quantity: Reasonable

Price: Not very expensive, considering the area it is in and the ambiance of this restaurant. A heavy dinner for two without drinks should not cross 700 bucks.

Ambiance: This is the best part of this restaurant. The interiors are very well done; the lighting is not too bright, which is a good thing. If you are able to occupy the sofas (recommended), then you will be not feel that the place is crowded. However, they need to work on ergonomics, there is something about the sofas and the corresponding tables that make eating a little uncomfortable.

Service: Now that we have spoken about the best part of this restaurant, let me reveal the deal breaker for this restaurant. The service truly sucks; man I can go on and on about how bad the service is. You will have to wait for anywhere between 30 to 45 minutes for the first order, read starters, to be delivered, and another 45 minutes for subsequent orders (main course) to be delivered, even though you have placed the order for main course when you placed an order for starters. Your patience will be tested in more ways than one. I would recommend this place, if you want to test the patience of you partner and make a decision based on that, or if you are planning on raising a family in this restaurant.

Will I go there again?
Even though the ambiance is good and the food above average, I really don’t have the patience that is required to eat here.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wishing in "Advance"

As I am penning down this post, Ganesha festival pooja is going on in the hall in full swing. And if you are wondering why am I not involved in the pooja, well the answer is simple, I don't like doing poojas; but that doesn't mean I don't like festivals. Festivals are good, sometimes really good, the food is good (even though veg, its not all that bad), relatives come home, and you get to chill out at home, well, these are the three good things about festivals, I can think of at this moment. One more thing about festivals, which may be considered good by some, and the subject of this blog is, your friends and relatives generally send SMSs wishing you, good luck, good health, lots of wealth ;), happiness, etc.

All these years I never found anything interesting about all these SMSs, however, off late I have noticed a trend, or maybe a change in some of my friends' behavior. Some of them seem to have developed a serious liking for me and they just can't seem to control their urge to convey their wishes through their SMSs. The SMSs that I receive from this bunch have one thing in common. Let me give you a sample of such SMSs:

  • ...happy friendship day in advance...
  • ...happy independence day in advance...
  • ...happy ganesha chaturthi in advance...
yes, you got it right, they are all conveying their wishes in "advance".

I would really love to believe that they are doing it because they like me a lot and can't control their urge to convey their wishes. However, the reason for this, at least in some cases, is Sunil Mittal.

Mr. Mittal and the like, started telecom companies which started growing . To continue growing, they thought that hiring 'intelligent' to lead the company is important. As any other company would do, the moment they thought of hiring 'intelligent' people, they went to IIMs and hired a bunch of guys, and gave them fat salaries. These guys from IIMs had to justify their hiring by increasing their growth rate. So, they came up with mind blowing tariff plans. One such plan was to let people SMS at very low cost, 1 paise/sms, 2 paise/sms and in some cases 0 paise/sms. These plans worked well for them, and they continued growing. With this growth coming their way, they hired more 'intelligent' folks from IIM. These new folks had to justify their salaries, but sadly, the older guys from IIM had exploited most of the major avenue to attract customers. However, being the die hard types, the new folks thought of strategies to increase revenue. And one such strategy was to suck the blood out of their customers when they needed them the most. That's right, they decided to charge 1 rupee/SMS on occasions, such as, valentines day, friendship day, independence day, and new year, when people generally SMS a lot. This new strategy, I am sure, has worked out really well for them. For instance, no matter how much they charge me, I send SMSs on all these days, and also in plenty. And I am sure there are lot like me. However, they forgot about this SELECT JUNTHAA who turned out to be more cunning than them. And this bunch of my friends I was talking about earlier are amongst this SELECT JUNTHAA (SJ).

The SJ came up with a great new plan to give IIM guys a slip. The SJ thought a step ahead of the IIM guys and took a step back, and literally at that. They started sending the SMSs on these occasions in "ADVANCE".

The SJ who send it in Advance essentially comprises two categories of crowd, First Category (FC)- Students (no earning, tight on cash) and Second Category (SC) - people who earn (tight, but generally on weekends)

Adoption of this strategy by the FC of people is kind of understandable. However, adoption of this by the SC folks bother me a bit. Some might think that these SC guys go a little too far to save non-significant amount of money by putting their reputation at stake.

However, I would be interested in knowing the thought process of the SECOND CATEGORY of SELECT JANTHAA when they decide to do it in ADVANCE!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The next time my boss says WFH, I will say WTF!

Yesterday I was speaking to a friend of mine, Jayanth Aka Dingri, who is into managing exhibitions for Times of India. He was telling me about how their last exhibition turned out to be a big flop, and how his boss screwed him royally for that. Well let me tell you something, he is not a guy big enough to single handedly upset such a huge event. So that pops out the question: Why did the event flop?, and the answer is, a tiny little thing called "H1N1", a virus which is in the limelight off late. The virus, along with bringing fear in the minds of many, has also brought smiles to the faces of many more. Schools declaring holidays, offices announcing holidays, what more can you ask for. Our company followed the herd, but with a twist. My boss gave us an option of WORKING FROM HOME (WFH).

WFH has lot of positive sides to it, at least in my case. Let me list out a few positive things about WFH:
  • I travel 30 kms (to and fro) and spend close to 150 rupees on travel, which is saved
  • I save close to 2 hours of travel time
  • I save ~30 rupees on sutta (I generally dont smoke much when I am home, BTW I dont smoke at home)
  • I get to have hot food at home
  • I can listen to music while I work, I dont have to use a headphone
  • Most importantly I can wear shorts while I work
I did all of the above yesterday, and guess what, I could also complete more work yesterday. Let me paint you a picture of how my day went yesterday
  • Woke up at 6 am and went out on my routine jog - as usual
  • Stopped by Anil Kumble when I was jogging, wanted to know where Minto hospital is - Unusual
  • Had breakfast at 8.15 - as usual
  • Didn't drive my car for an hour - Unusual
  • Didn't check out the pretty girls on Jain college road - Unusual
  • Started working at 8.30 - Unusual
  • Had lunch at 1.00 - Usual
  • Not many people were around me when I had lunch - Unusual
  • Had food made at home - Usual
  • Did not have food made at someone else's home - Unusual
  • Didn't have a few laughs in the lunch break - Extremely Usual
  • Worked till 6 - Usual
This is a brief of what I did yesterday, and at the end of it, I realize that I am not as exited about WFH now, as I was when my boss told me about it. I guess its because I have really gotten used to the usual stuff or may be I really like the "usual". All I can say now is that WFH is not for lesser mortals like me.

So, the next time my boss says WFH, I will say WTF